Title: A Man Called Horse: John Horse and the Black Seminole Underground Railroad
Author: Glennette Turner
Join us for our next Florida history book club meeting at the Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art where we will be discussing A Man Called Horse: John Horse and the Black Seminole Underground Railroad by Glennette Turner.
John Horse was a famed chief, warrior, tactician, and diplomat who played a dominant role in Black Seminole affairs for half a century. A political and military leader of mixed Seminole and African heritage, Horse defended his people from the U.S. government, other tribes, and slave hunters by serving as a counselor of fellow Seminole leaders, an agent of the U.S. government, and a captain in the Mexican army.
RSVP by calling the Museum at 386-255-0285 or register online.
Free for members, $5.00 for future members.