Support MOAS

Guild of the Museum of Arts & Sciences

The Members of the Guild are an incredibly dynamic group whose mission is to promote the welfare of the Museum through its many programs and activities. The Guild offers members many opportunities to use their skills by working on many projects including The Halifax Art Festival. The Guild also organizes informative monthly meetings, social events, and field trips, which offer an opportunity to get acquainted with like-minded people who have a common goal. 
Guild President: Sherry Erbe - 

MOAS Guild Resources



Upcoming Events


Fashion ShowA Spring Fling

Step into a world of style at our Spring Fling event, hosted at the Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art! Join us for a beautiful day of cutting-edge fashion and flair complete with a luncheon and fashion show! 

A Spring Fling >

2025 Halifax Art Festival

Celebrating its 63rd anniversary, the Halifax Art Festival is the 2nd oldest continual art festival in the state of Florida. The festival attracts approximately 30,000 visitors to view the works of over 150+ fine artists and artisans from all over the country. Offering live entertainment, a student art competition, children's activities, fine dining in many local restaurants and cafes, the HAF is a premier annual event in Central Florida. The 2025 HAF takes place on November 1st and November 2nd, 2025.

2025 Halifax Art Festival >

2025 Exhibit Sponsors
Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts.