John James Audubon, the renowned and legendary naturalist and artist, embarked on two remarkable journeys to Florida to meticulously paint and catalog birds for his iconic opus, "The Birds of North America." Audubon blazed a trail in capturing birds and other wildlife in their natural habitats, a feat yet to be surpassed by contemporary bird painters. He elevated the status of avian portraiture to the realm of fine art. Venture through Northeast Florida and the Florida Keys to trace Audubon's footsteps, exploring his routes, modes of travel, and the diverse avian species he meticulously documented.
Pre-registration for is strongly encouraged as space is limited. If registration is full, please call the Museum at 386-255-0285 to be placed on a waitlist with the potential for another time to be scheduled.
This link is to register to attend for this talk. If you are not a member, you will still be required to pay museum entry the day of the talk.
Free for members or with paid museum admission.